The Secretaría General del Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano CSUCA, we cordially welcome you to our website. We hope that your visit to this portal will be useful to you and that you will find the information you need.
On this site you will be able to generate a more interactive communication with the university community of the Central American region and the Dominican Republic; as in other regions of the world. The CSUCA's strategic objectives are to contribute to the integration and strengthening of Higher Education in the Central American Region, strengthening the institutional development of the Public Universities of Central America within the framework of University Autonomy. Promoting the internationalization of universities and promoting changes and academic innovations in accordance with the needs of the countries of the region facing the challenges of the 21st century.
For what I consider pertinent, I would like to express to you that the Central American University Confederation is the regional integration organization of the public Higher Education systems of the countries of the Central American Integration System (SICA), which promotes the development of universities through the cooperation and joint work with society and the State. Whose work mystique is developed for the comprehensive approach to regional problems and their proposed solutions, acting within a framework of commitment, solidarity, tolerance, transparency and equity. In the same way, it promotes the development of scientific, technological and humanistic knowledge, promoting the training of professionals with criteria and capable of making decisions and influencing the sustainable development of the region.
Dr. Carlos Alvarado Cerezo. Secretary General CSUCA. We hope to find you on our site frequently, or have your visit at any of our university campuses or at the CSUCA General Secretariat. We reiterate our welcome greeting.

Members Universities