HICA? Harmonization and Innovation of Central American Higher Education Qualifications frameworks, curricular reform, improvement of the quality of higher education and international academic harmonization:
The European experience Elizabeth Noonan, Director of Quality Improvement (UCC).
General objective:
Support innovation and curricular harmonization in Central American universities, based on the proposed framework of qualifications for higher education in the region.
Specific objectives:
Complete the proposal for a Qualifications Framework for Central American Higher Education (MCESCA), a product of the previous "Alfa PUENTES" project, which has been designed and endorsed by CSUCA ? Central American Higher University Council ? and the National Councils of Rectors of various countries in the region. This will involve defining the expected learning outcomes for short careers prior to a bachelor's degree and estimating the range of time and credits to achieve the expected learning outcomes and obtain academic degrees in the region.
Carry out a pilot implementation/validation exercise of the MCESCA in a sample of universities and disciplines in the region; This will imply the redesign of study programs in these disciplines in order to align them with the generic learning outcomes proposed in the MCESCA.
Disseminate and promote the MCESCA Qualifications Framework proposal throughout the Central American region and Latin America more broadly, to ensure its adoption as a basic reference by different types of universities (public and private), employer organizations, professional associations and colleges, university quality accreditation agencies and ministries of education.
Promote dialogue and exchange of experiences and practices between higher education actors in Europe and Central America, on the development and implementation of qualification frameworks and their usefulness for the higher education sector.