Proyecto: Fortaleciendo sistemas inclusivos de ciencia e innovación en América Latina a través de una red de investigación colaborativa

Central America faces a complex set of challenges that limit its economic, sustainable and inclusive development. Social exclusion is one of those challenges.

The concept of exclusion has been used to refer to conditions of poverty and inequality; however, the inclusion-exclusion antinomy not only refers to poverty, but also to the existence or absence of social ties. In this way, the concept must be considered as one that includes the rights of people to a reasonable level of social and material well-being, as well as social and citizen rights, which in turn include gender equality and equality of rights. opportunities for vulnerable populations such as rural, indigenous and Afro-descendant communities. This recognition not only has a positive impact on social welfare, it also leads to an economic system that is more apt for learning, innovation, and higher productivity.

In the above context, the Project ?Strengthening inclusive science and innovation systems in Latin America through a collaborative research network? it is destined to become a fundamental element that contributes to strengthening the inclusion process required by Central American societies. The Project considers that its results will provide solutions to the urgent need to improve the inclusion process for the benefit of vulnerable groups, through the production of knowledge generated by scientific communities and other non-scientific actors in the region.

Considering this general framework, the Project's main purpose is to strengthen, through cooperation and exchange, the research nexus - innovation - inclusion, in its two complementary aspects:

1. Research – Innovation for inclusion when the focus is on the results of the process.

2. Inclusive research and innovation when it refers to a participatory process through which research and innovation emerge.

The Project, which will last five years, is financed by the International Development Research Center of Canada (IDRC), and is executed under a Grant Agreement with the Central American Higher University Council (CSUCA), with the support of the General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SG-SICA), the Commission for the Scientific and Technological Development of Central America and Panama (CTCAP) and the national science, technology and innovation organizations of the 8 member countries of the SICA.

The Project, through two public calls, will invite the presentation of project proposals that direct their efforts to the formation and support of consortia or collaborative networks; that allow through their joint work to provide viable solutions to the problems faced by the most vulnerable groups of the Central American regional population: indigenous peoples, peasants, Afro-descendants, women, people with disabilities and the youth of the SICA member countries. The Project contemplates the possibility of complementary participation of institutions from other Latin American and Caribbean countries, belonging to the public and/or private sector.

The Project also contemplates the execution of studies on gender issues and financing of research, science, technology and innovation in the region and the execution of a diploma course on open science.


Primera Convocatoria

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