University Program for Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change.
On May 15, 2013, a discussion workshop was held to develop a program supported by the Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano (CSUCA) and the Swiss Cooperation in Central America (COSUDE), the objective of the program is to contribute to the reduction of vulnerability to disasters and the strengthening of the resilience capacity of Central American societies to the effects of climate change and other threats, through the incorporation and harmonization of the topic in selected strategic careers in CSUCA member universities, as well as applied research, the extension and strengthening of inter-university networks of experts. Promote as a higher education policy, the incorporation of issues related to Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management (GIRD) and Adaptation to Climate Change (ACC), in the substantive work of the public universities that are members of the CSUCA to influence a change positive attitude in society in relation to these challenges.
This is how the “University Program for Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change” was born. -PRIDCA-.
Lines of action
1. Promote the incorporation of GIRD and ACC in university curricula.
2. Carry out applied research and university extension for GIRD and ACC in areas at risk in Central America.
3. Reduce vulnerability to disasters on college campuses.
4. Strengthen university collaboration networks for the progressive and systematic incorporation of IDRM and ACC in the culture and substantive activities of the Central American university.