The Sistema Centroamericano de Relación Universidad-Sociedad (SICAUS) is a Regional University System of the Central American University Confederation, of an academic and technical nature that interacts closely with the different sectors of society and the State, contributing to the processes of integration and regional development in a sustainable way, through the different linking activities that society requires and the member universities of the Confederation consider pertinent.
- Promote spaces for dialogue that generate academic capacity for proposals on the main existing regional problems from a scientific, technical, environmental, social, cultural, economic and political perspective.
- Promote the continuous improvement of technology transfer units and the provision of services in universities, to strengthen the relationship with the different sectors of society and the State.
- Promote mechanisms of contact, communication, link, management, protection and transfer of knowledge generated in universities, in response to the demands of the regional productive sector.
- Strengthen the professional profile of those responsible for the process of linking with the productive sector and the State in the universities that are members of the Confederation.
- Implement inter-institutional cooperation mechanisms at the national, regional and extra-regional level to support the actions derived from the System.
SICAUS is made up of the Regional Assembly of the System and the Board of Directors. The Regional Assembly of the System is constituted by the Official of each university member of the Confederation that is responsible for the Extension or Provision of Services and/or Technology Transfer, or is delegated by the Rector. The Board of Directors is the executive body of the system, it is made up of four members representing the universities belonging to four different countries, elected in a regional assembly plus the System Coordinator.