The Sistema Regional Centroamericano y del Caribe de Investigación y Posgrado (SIRCIP), is a body of the Central American Confederation that strengthens, guides, supports, coordinates, harmonizes and integrates research and postgraduate studies, with a regional focus on the member universities of the Central American Higher University Council (CSUCA).
1. The articulation of postgraduate and research in the universities of the Central American and Caribbean region.
2. The integration of the countries of the CSUCA member universities through the management of human talent with a regional perspective.
3. Quality management and regional academic harmonization of research and postgraduate studies of the member universities.
4. The sustainable human development of the region through quality academic and professional training and the development of research.
5. Regional academic excellence oriented by the needs of society.
6. Contribute to the sustainable human development of the region through research, postgraduate studies and social projection.
SIRCIP is organized by a. the General Assembly, b. the Board of Directors, c. the Executive Secretariat, d. the Regional Research Council, e. the Regional Postgraduate Council and f. the Technical Commission for Research and Graduate Studies.
The General Assembly is the body that directs SIRCIP and defines and promotes academic policies for research and postgraduate management, and financing for the system. Its members support and coordinate the actions carried out by SIRCIP at each university. The General Assembly is made up of two highest academic authorities from each university: one responsible for research and the other, for postgraduate studies at CSUCA member universities, who in turn are from the Regional Research Council and the Regional Postgraduate Council. . Or, failing that, the authorities designated by the Rector of the university. The Board of Directors is the body that provides follow-up to the guidelines and actions emanating from the General Assembly of SIRCIP. It is made up of authorities and officials appointed and ratified by the Academic Assembly. The integration is as follows:
to. The president of the SIRCIP who will be the authority designated by the university that has the presidency of the CSUCA; b. The Academic Director of the SG-CSUCA, who will act as Executive Secretary of the SIRCIP; c. The Coordinator of the Regional Research Council and a substitute in case of absence, both elected by said council; d. The Coordinator of the Regional Postgraduate Council and a substitute in case of absence, both elected by said council. The Executive Secretariat is the body that executes the guidelines and actions issued by the SIRCIP Board of Directors. The CSUCA Academic Directorate acts as the Executive Secretary of the Board of Directors.
The Regional Research Council is the body that harmonises, regulates and promotes coordination and linkage mechanisms for the promotion, implementation, training and management of research, technological development and innovation of higher education institutions belonging to the CSUCA. It is made up of the highest authorities or academic officials responsible for directing, coordinating and implementing research, technological development and innovation policies and strategies in the CSUCA member universities; if it does not exist, by whom so designated by the rector or the competent authority at the university at the express request of SIRCIP through the Board of Directors. The Regional Postgraduate Council is the body that harmonises, regulates and promotes coordination and linkage mechanisms for the promotion of quality in postgraduate management of CSUCA member universities. It is made up of the authorities or those responsible for postgraduate studies at the CSUCA member universities.
The Technical Commission for Research and Graduate Studies is the technical body that reports to the Board of Directors of the Central American System for Research and Graduate Studies, and has a technical support relationship with the Executive Secretary of SIRCIP. Advises, generates technical instruments, carries out studies, generates proposals in the fields of research management and postgraduate studies in accordance with the guidelines in the SIRCIP field.
SIRCIP Basic Documents
- 01-SICAR Agreement approved at LVI Meeting
- 02-definitions and SICAR standards approved at the LVI Meeting CSUCA
- 03-Academic Exchange Approved at the LVI Ordinary Meeting CSUCA
- 04-SICAR procedure Approved at the LVI Ordinary Meeting CSUCA
- 05-SICAR Regulation Approved at the LVI Ordinary Meeting CSUCA
- 06-SICAR self-assessment guide June 2001
- 07-SICAR External Evaluation Guide June 2001
- 08- Profile members CT-SICAR-agreed
- 10-Standards for the condition of regionality
- 11-SICAR Self-assessment Guide
- 12-Guide Final External Evaluation
- 13-BASIC CONCEPTSTS Revised Version Postgraduate Council 02-22-12
- 14-SICAR Agreement October 2011
- 15-Guide_for the Recognition of Programs of Regional Interest
- 16-SIRCIP REGULATION- final version integrated 10-14-14-approved
- Comparison Doc Conventions
- Basic CONCEPTSTS Revised Version Postgraduate Council 02-22-12
- SICAR Agreement approved in LVI Meeting
- Diagnosis of Postgraduate Studies CSUCA (Feb 2013-Feb 2014)
- GuadeAcr SICAR 2003
- New regulation proposal SICAR2010
(Guatemala City, March 18-19, 2010