Organization chart
This section shows the organizational structure of the units that make up the CSUCA. You can interact by clicking on each element of it.

Central American University Confederation

The Central American University Confederation is the integration organization of the Central American public university system that promotes the development of universities through cooperation and joint work with society and the State.
Superior Central American University Council

The Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano -CSUCA-, is the governing collegiate body of the Central American University Confederation and is made up of the Rectors and Presidents of the Student Federations of each of the member universities, accredited by the competent bodies of each university and in accordance with the applicable regulations in each case; all with the right to voice and vote.
The Secretary General is also a member of CSUCA, with the right to speak and without the right to vote.

The Federation of University Students of Central America and the Caribbean -FEUCA-, is an autonomous body of the Confederation, which is integrated with all the general student Federations and Associations of the Confederation's member Universities. FEUCA is governed by its own Statutes and regulations. See more
Central American University Congress

The Congreso Universitario Centroamericano It is the highest deliberative and purposeful body of the Confederation and its function is to establish and modify the principles and goals, as well as to define the great priority areas that the Confederation promotes through its member universities.
The congress meets at least every five years and is called by the CSUCA.
The IX CUC was held on June 16 and 17, 2021, with headquarters in Honduras.
General Secretary

The General Secretariat is the executive body of the Confederation and is headed by the Secretary General, who acts as the legal representative of the Confederation. The General Secretariat is made up of the General Secretary, the Deputy Secretary General, the Deputy Secretary for Student Affairs and the Executives of the CSUCA in each University.
Deputy Secretary for Student Affairs

The Deputy Secretary for Student Affairs will be appointed by CSUCA from a list of three candidates proposed by FEUCA. He will remain in office for two years and may be appointed for one more consecutive period.
Deputy Secretary General

The Assistant Secretary General shall exercise the functions of the Secretary General in the event of his temporary absence and shall last the same period as the Secretary General who proposed him was elected.
Academic direction

Strengthens the Regional University Systems, programs, projects and academic networks, promoting their joint and coordinated work, so that they generate a positive impact on the quality and relevance of higher education.
Directorate of Finance Administration and Management

Strengthen the credibility and trust in the General Secretariat by modernizing the administrative system, improving its physical and technological resources, training and updating its human elements, strengthening its financial situation, in order to respond with high executive and academic quality, for compliance with the principles , goals and objectives of the Confederation, as well as to face the challenges established in its strategic plan.
CSUCA executives at universities

The Liaison Executives in the universities correspond preferably to the Secretary General of each member university or to an official appointed by the Rector.
The Liaison Executives will support the rectors in each university in the execution of the initiatives of the General Secretariat, for the fulfillment of the agreements of the Council and the execution of the plans, programs and projects through the systems of the Confederation.
They must implement coordination, dissemination and liaison mechanisms with the academic units and representatives of their university in the Confederation systems.
Project consulting

Coordinate regional, specific, time-limited academic activities, framed within the CSUCA plans.
Cooperation and bonding

Strengthen the participation and linkage of the confederation with regional integration organizations, civil society and international organizations in order to positively influence the Central American integration process and the economic, political, social and cultural development of Central American society.
Computing and Telematics Unit

Establish mechanisms for effective communication between the organs of the Confederation, periodically update the computer and telecommunications system of the General Secretariat.
Communication and Dissemination Unit

Develop dissemination mechanisms to communicate and disseminate widely and in a timely manner the work of the Confederation and Central American thought, coordinate with the media of the member universities.
Financial Unit

Follow up on the agreement and commitment of the universities to achieve timely payment of the annual fees.
Execute the budget with agility, efficiency and transparency.

The Consejo Regional de Vida Estudiantil (CONREVE), is the CSUCA body, in charge of advising, promoting, strengthening and generating initiatives, programs and projects that promote the development of the Student Life area of the member Universities; contributing to the comprehensive training of professionals who participate with social commitment, in the transformation, development and Central American Integration.

The Sistema Regional de Vida Estudiantil (SIREVE) through CONREVE, is the system in charge of advising, promoting, strengthening and generating initiatives, programs and projects that promote the development of the Student Life area of the member Universities; contributing to the comprehensive training of professionals who participate with social commitment, in the transformation, development and integration of Central America and the Dominican Republic. See more

The Sistema Regional Centroamericano y del Caribe de Investigación y Posgrado (SIRCIP), is a body of the Central American Confederation that strengthens, guides, supports, coordinates, harmonizes and integrates research and postgraduate studies, with a regional focus on the member universities of the Central American Higher University Council (CSUCA).

The Sistema Centroamericano de Evaluación y Armonización de la Educación Superior (SICEVAES), It is the system that promotes a culture of quality, evaluation, and accountability to society in member universities, using evaluation and accreditation as a change management strategy, modernization, and improvement of universities. It promotes the establishment of regional mechanisms for international accreditation of the quality of university education in Central America and the Dominican Republic, as well as the harmonization and academic integration of higher education in the region. See more

The Sistema Integrado de Información Documental Centroamericano (SIIDCA), has an academic and technical nature, made up of the Library Systems of the Universities that are members of the Central American University Confederation in support of the academic and technological development of the universities, through the development of a documentary information system among the Central American Universities , members of CSUCA. See more

The Sistema Centroamericano de Relación Universidad-Sociedad (SICAUS) is a Regional University System of the Central American University Confederation, of an academic and technical nature that interacts closely with the different sectors of society and the State, contributing to the processes of integration and regional development in a sustainable way, through the different linking activities that society requires and the member universities of the Confederation consider pertinent.

The Sistema Editorial Universitario Centroamericano (SEDUCA), disseminates Central American university thought in the different areas of knowledge that contributes to comprehensive development, the dissemination of values, the transfer of knowledge and to deepen and strengthen regional identity, through cooperation in the publishing field. See more

The Sistema Regional de Información y Comunicación Universitaria (SIREICU), promotes communication processes and functions as a strategic instrument of the CSUCA systems for the creation, production, distribution of graphic, textual and audiovisual communication materials prepared for the dissemination of the work of the universities that belong to the CSUCA, in order to strengthen , make visible and recognize the activities, actions and projects they carry out.
Communicate Network

It is the network of media, communicators and communicators, representatives of the member universities of the CSUCA, in order to promote the dissemination of teaching, research, linkage, social action, internationalization and management activities of the higher education institutions of the region.

The programs are those academic activities of a regional nature that the CSUCA promotes for the development of its plans and that seek to establish joint work platforms among its member universities, to face or solve problems and generate initiatives of Higher Education, within the framework of Central American integration. The programs are defined in the Plan for the Regional Integration of Higher Education in Central America and the Dominican Republic, and the same plan is determined from the results of the Central American University Congress.
See more

The projects are those regional, specific, time-limited academic activities, framed within the CSUCA Plans, preferably within the scope of Programs and Work Areas previously established by the Council, within its regular planning.
Any project managed by the cooperation must be regional in nature.