The projects are those regional, specific, limited-time academic activities, framed within the CSUCA Plans, preferably within the scope of Programs and Work Areas previously established by the Council, within its regular planning, all management before the cooperation for the implementation of a project must be regional in nature.

Active Projects
The RED Comunica it emerged in August 2015 at the I Central American University Media Workshop held in Guatemala City, as part of the actions of the PRIDCA project, with financial support from the Swiss Cooperation in Central America.
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Central America faces a complex set of challenges that limit its economic, sustainable and inclusive development. Social exclusion is one of those challenges. The concept of exclusion has been used to refer to conditions of poverty and inequality; however, the inclusion-exclusion antinomy not only refers to poverty, but also to the existence or absence of social ties.
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Central America is one of the most vulnerable regions affected by natural phenomena and, despite being a region of little significance in the global emission of greenhouse gases and climate change, the impact generated in the region is catastrophic, mainly affecting the most disadvantaged people, infrastructure, housing, agriculture and interruption of basic services.
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Red Innovación Simple y Fructífera (RISYF), surge con el propósito de promover la divulgación e implementación de una didáctica transformadora en las universidades centroamericanas, para apoyar la innovación y armonización de la educación superior de la región. See more
Previous projects
- Strengthening SG-CSUCA
Strengthening of the Governance of Disaster Risk Management in Central America.
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Fortalecimiento de SG-CSUCA, to promote storage and use of scientific and satellite information for sustainable development C.A.
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Central American School for the Conservation of Cultural Assets and Museology
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The INICIA project (Specialization in Management of Collaborative Economic Initiatives and Social Economy in Central America)
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University Program for Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change.
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HICA, Harmonization and Innovation of Central American Higher Education Qualifications frameworks, curricular reform, improvement of the quality of higher education and international academic harmonization:
The European experience Elizabeth Noonan, Director of Quality Improvement (UCC).
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?Prevención de residuos plásticos para reducir su impacto en el Mar Caribe de Guatemala a través de métodos innovadores con la participación del sector de academia, sector privado y comunidad? en el Marco del Proyecto Regional Caribe Circular
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