V General Assembly of SIREICU

Central America October 5 and 6, 2022

Within the framework of the actions carried out by the Regional University Information and Communication System -SIREICU-, the V General Assembly of the SIREICU was held on October 5 and 6, with the purpose of strengthening communication departments and units of the member universities of CSUCA.

?Today we meet with enormous enthusiasm and motivation, as we intend to continue the wonderful work that has driven SIREICU, celebrating the achievements and goals achieved so far and preparing the route that will guide all the work commissions that we will form? mentioned Karol Ramírez, President of SIREICU, also alluding to the importance of strengthening the communicators who are members of CSUCA.

For his part, Carlos Alvarado, Secretary General of CSUCA pointed out ?Today is a historic day in the life of SIREICU that will be marked for the development and strengthening of communication through the member universities of CSUCA? with reference to the fact that it is the first time that a General Assembly is held in hybrid mode, which allows the strengthening and consolidation of collaborative work.

To welcome the facilities of the National Council of Rectors of Costa Rica, site of the V General Assembly of SIREICU, Eduardo Sibaja, Director of the Higher Education Planning Office, presented the work carried out by CONARE, which makes a alliance within the five public universities of Costa Rica for more than 45 years.

During the first part of the day, work tables were held, within which the route was defined to be able to generate the operational plan for the coming years, in line with the Fifth Plan for the Integration of Higher Education in Central America and the Dominican Republic. . Likewise, the paper ?Communication and open science? where colleagues Macarena Parejo and Daniel Martín from the University of Extremadura spoke about the importance of the open science ecosystem and how knowledge should be free with access to all societies. And to end the first day, the presentation ?Communication in Crisis? by Félix Pacas, reflecting on how communication should respond to the different factors that may affect stability in study houses.

The second day began with the presentation of the State of the Region, by Marisol Guzmán of the State of the Nation Program, thus culminating the hybrid work day, for the subsequent visit to the National Center for High Technology -CeNAT-, where The communicators were able to closely assess the scientific development that is generated from higher education in Costa Rica.

Workshop Institutional Management of International Collaborative Online Learning in Central America

September 20, 2022

Today, the first synchronous session of the workshop on "Institutional Management of International Collaborative Online Learning in Central America" was held, which is carried out with the support of Obreal Global, Anuies, Universidad Veracruzana and Universidad de Granada.

The workshop consists of three asynchronous sessions, starting the first from September 13 to 16; and two synchronous sessions.

The first synchronous session is developed by identifying the context and institutional roles of the internationalization of higher education, the institutional management of the internationalization of the curriculum; actors, roles and profiles, the transversality of the internationalization processes of the curriculum and online internationalization.

The Workshop is held with the objective of raising awareness and training university managers in the design and operation of a program for international collaborative online learning, COIL for its acronym in English, from the perspective of the institutional policies of internationalization of HEIs and with focus on the internationalization process of the curriculum.

CXIX Ordinary Session of the Central American Higher University Council

Central America, September 08, 2022

Within the framework of the actions carried out by the Central American University Confederation, being the Central American Higher University Council -CSUCA- the collegiate governing body of the Confederation, made up of Rectors and Presidents of the Student Federations, representing the 24 member universities of CSUCA. The CXIX Council Session was held, chaired by Mr. Francisco González, President of CSUCA; Mr. Eduardo Flores, Rector of the University of Panama, venue for said session; and Mr. Carlos Alvarado Cerezo, Secretary General of CSUCA.

To start the session, the President of CSUCA mentioned the importance that exists in the regional struggle of all countries, to obtain a fair budget that allows the development of higher education offered by public universities. Likewise, the Rector of the University of Panama spoke about the importance of continuing to fight for autonomy, mentioning that the CSUCA is the oldest organization that fights for integration in the Central American region and the Dominican Republic.

With a quorum of 36 representatives of the council, the CXIX session gave rise to the election of the Deputy Secretary General of CSUCA, being unanimously elected Mr. Francisco Alarcón, for the period 2022-2026, who expressed ?I thank all the members of the Council for the trust and honor of serving the Central American University Confederation, I have given my life to CSUCA, therefore, we are going to make the greatest effort to continue working in the best possible way? 

Likewise, the qualification of the call for Deputy Secretary of Student Affairs, for the period 2023-2025, was announced. As well as, the designation of Mrs. Rutilia Calderón of the National Autonomous University of Honduras, as representative of CSUCA before the CCA.

For his part, the Secretary General of CSUCA presented the work plan and budget for the year 2023, both of which were approved.

On the other hand, Mr. Jorge Cortez announced the results of the Congress prior to JUDUCA, indicating that the eighth version will be held in El Salvador, during the month of July 2023, mentioning that, on behalf of the student life, are close to holding the Rubén Darío Award for Academic Excellence and the Congress of Health-Promoting Universities.

Requesting a space on the agenda, Mr. Juan Carlos Soto provided a report on the progress that exists in the International University Center for Information and Communication Technologies, with great progress in Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua.

This session has given rise to being able to provide recognition to all those people who have represented a space before the CSUCA and who, due to the pandemic, have not been able to grant recognition in gratitude for the contributions provided during the time they were part of CSUCA.

Being Panama the venue for the CXIX Council Session, Mr. Eduardo Flores, Rector of the University of Panama, made a presentation of good practices of the University of Panama, before the Panamanian society. At the same time, a presentation was made on the National University of Costa Rica; the Technological Institute of Costa Rica presented the FISU congress, soon to be held; the proposal for the Blue University Networks (OSPESCA/SICA) and the proposal for the second phase of the BELLA project were presented, as well as information on the various activities and academic projects, as well as it was designated that the CXX Ordinary Session of CSUCA will be held in Costa Rica during the month of April of the year 2023.

Transfer of Presidency SIREICU

Central America, August 30, 2022

With the aim of publicizing the progress made in the first year of operation of the Regional University Information and Communication System -SIREICU- during the period July 2021? June 2022 through the presidency of María José Aburto, representing Nicaragua; and welcome Karol Ramírez, President of SIREICU for the period July 2022? June 2023, on behalf of Costa Rica, a presidency transfer meeting was held.

The activity began with words from the President of CSUCA, Francisco Gonzalez, who mentioned ?Communication is essential to keep this link alive in the work of universities, creating networks that make communication and information available to society through of the transfer of knowledge, publicize the opportunities for development, scientific and technological transfer, as well as the work that is carried out in connection with society? thus pointing out the important work of the public university.

For his part, the Secretary General, Carlos Alvarado, pointed out that ?Universities are essential for our Central American and Caribbean societies; and a system that transfers the information of what teaching, research, the link between the university-society-state does, is it transversal support to recognize the value of the information that is generated from the study houses? Likewise, he thanked María José Aburto, outgoing President, for her work and commitment, and wished the incoming President Karol Ramírez Chinchilla the best of success.

?We are facing a strong activity to reinforce the system, I assume this responsibility with commitment, because together we must go out to tell society the importance of the value of the universities, therefore, it is important to reinforce the information system, to give know how we impact our societies? stated Karol Ramírez, President of SIREICU.

For her part, María José Aburto announced the results within the first year of her presidency, thanking the support and trust that has been placed in her person, pointing out the achievements of the approval of the SIREICU regulations before the Council through 12 work sessions and various General Assemblies, the generation of work subcommittees, the communication campaign for the 73rd anniversary of CSUCA and the creation of the first regional media outlet, "Radio Comunica".

To end the session, it was announced that October 5 and 6 have been established to hold the next General Assembly of SIREICU in Costa Rica, with the purpose that the members of the system can participate in person.