CSUCA-IDRC project will execute 16 research, innovation and inclusion projects

Within the framework of the regional project "Strengthening inclusive science and innovation systems in Latin America through a collaborative research network", led by the Central American Higher University Council (CSUCA), with the financial support of the International Development Research Center (IDRC) of Canada, the "First Public Call for Proposals" was launched, between February 28, 2023 and March 1, 2023. 

The public call was aimed at strengthening the research-innovation-inclusion nexus in the Central American region and the Caribbean, in its two complementary aspects: innovation for inclusion when the focus is on the results of the process; and inclusive innovation when it refers to a participatory process through which innovation emerges.

In response to the call, 73 proposals were received, of which, after a thorough evaluation, 16 projects were chosen to be implemented, which will have an implementation duration of 22 months, starting in January 2024. The selected proposals include at least one of the four thematic axes established by the CSUCA and the Central American and Caribbean Regional Research and Postgraduate System (SIRCIP), through the Regional Research Agenda:

? Territoriality, risk and local development,
? Economic growth, productivity, competitiveness and sustainable development,
? Digital transformation, automation, artificial intelligence and
? Data science, climate change and environmental management.

The process of selection and initiation of these projects has involved a series of strategic events such as the development of workshops with the leaders and researchers of each project, individual meetings with each project of a technical and administrative nature, distribution of instructions on how to advance in monitoring. and evaluation of projects, instructions on forms of communication and dissemination of project results. During the workshops and follow-up meetings, emphasis was placed on the need to deepen the innovation nexus in each project. inclusion and inclusive innovation with a gender equity focus.
The 16 projects selected in this first call are the following:
1. Use of carao, teosinte and mangosteen for the development of functional foods as a food and nutritional security strategy for Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

2. Local territorial development for equitable and sustainable economic growth in Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama.

3. Towards SMART and Sustainable water management in Central American communities, through innovative and inclusive research and education (SMART-S Water Management) (Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica).

4. Strengthening environmental competencies in communities through technological and methodological innovation to promote resilience in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change in the canton of Heredia, Costa Rica, in the district of Almirante, Bocas del Toro, Panama and from the Achí de Rabinal indigenous community in the department of Baja Verapaz, Guatemala.

5. Multicenter validation of an Artificial Intelligence application, developed by Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, for the identification of intestinal parasites.

6. Central American Consortium of High Performance Computing for Socio-environmental Applications: towards the inclusion in science of women and groups originating from the region. (Costa Rica, El Salvador and Panama).

7. Consortium for the development of innovative and inclusive research on problems related to climate change and renewable energies in Central America and the Dominican Republic. (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Belize).

8. Strengthening risk management in agri-food systems that contributes to food and nutritional security to face the climate variability of the dry corridor of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras 2023-2024.
9. Equity in a just transition. Promoting the participation of the Central American region in the IPCC reports "Central American Network on Climate Change (RC4)". (Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Panama)

10. Implementation of a research network supported by data sciences that empowers and inspires women to develop capacities to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity. (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Mexico).

11. Consolidation of the Central American Network of Innovation and Research for Fair Access to Habitat and Understanding of Metropolitan Architectures. Horizontal, inclusive and collaborative dialogues between Metropolitan Areas of Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico.

12. Tools for the defense of the territory of indigenous communities in Costa Rica, Honduras and Guatemala.

13. Technological Innovation, Social Inclusion and Environmental Management for the identification of variables of sustainable community development in Central America. (Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama).

14. Consolidation of the Central American Network for Research in Critical Extension (RECIEC), Stage II. (Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama).

15. Strengthening the economic conditions of indigenous women in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador within the framework of the second Sustainable Development Goal: Zero Hunger.

16. Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Food and Nutrition Security: Innovation and Conservation. (Panama, Guatemala and Nicaragua).

The objectives of these projects are aimed at promoting joint work between universities, governments, multilateral bodies, companies, entrepreneurs, community groups, as well as giving value to scientific collaboration within the Central American region, allowing their results to be translated into processes. of economic, social and environmental development.  
The projects are expected to identify challenges or needs of the various vulnerable groups or sectors in the Central American region and to improve conditions of gender equity, also supporting the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals and regional policies.

VI Biennial Research and Postgraduate Meeting

Central America, November 15, 2023

Today has begun the VI Biennial Research and Postgraduate Meeting of Central America and the Caribbean, based in Nicaragua by the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua (UNAN-Managua), as part of the actions of the Regional System Central American and Caribbean Research and Postgraduate Program (SIRCIP). The purpose of the event is to contribute to the achievement of the strategic objectives included in Program 2 of research, science, technology and innovation for regional integration and development, contained in the Fifth Plan for the Regional Integration of Higher Education in Central America and the Republic Dominican, (PIRESC V).

To begin the activity, Luis Alfredo Lobato Blanco, general vice-rector of UNAN-Managua, expressed: "We are sure that in this VI Biennial Meeting, priority research topics established by the CSUCA will be addressed, thus constituting mechanisms of articulation between the member universities. for the dissemination of the research work of professors, researchers and graduate students?

 For his part, Carlos Alvarado Cerezo, general secretary of CSUCA, mentioned: "We must promote, generate and disseminate knowledge through research and provide the appropriate technical skills that respond to the needs that today's society demands; it has been proven that education is necessary. to achieve better levels of social well-being and economic growth?

The biennial meeting aims to promote the exchange of experiences in research with topics of regional interest of an inter, multi and transdisciplinary nature between researchers, teachers and postgraduate students. And it will be developed through multiple virtual rooms, within which topics of regional importance are addressed such as climate change, territoriality and environmental management; technologies, innovation and renewable energies; public health, food security, chronic and infectious diseases; social development, population, social inclusion, education, interculturality and democracy; economic growth, productivity, competitiveness and sustainable development; as well as digital transformation, automation, artificial intelligence and data science.

The event will last 3 days, if you are interested in being part of the development, we invite you to visit the official Facebook pages of CSUCA and UNAN Managua, to be able to follow up on the VI Biennial Research and Postgraduate Meeting of Central America and El Caribbean.

Links: https://www.facebook.com/csuca Y https://www.facebook.com/UNAN.Managua


Central America, November 6, 2023

With the purpose of supporting collaborative research in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), today a follow-up meeting was held on the projects "Strengthening inclusive science and innovation systems in Latin America through a collaborative research network?" , led by the Central American Higher University Council (CSUCA) and ?Central American Policy for open CTI and mechanisms to measure its impact on society? led by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT) of Panama and the City of Knowledge Foundation of Panama (CDS), both streams financed by the International Development Research Center -IDRC- of Canada.

Both projects are executed in coordination with the National Science Councils of the countries of the region and support capacity-building activities that allow the Councils and regional science coordination bodies to effectively fulfill their mandates and improve national systems. and regional science, technology and research (CTI).

The activity was inaugurated by Carlos Alvarado Cerezo, Secretary General of CSUCA, who pointed out: "These projects strengthen the region in research and innovation issues, with a gender focus, this being a fundamental issue that must be implemented in the development of each one." of the proyects?.

The meeting included the presentation of the status of both projects, by their coordinators Carlos Aguirre and Yen Caballero, as well as the presentation of the study on inclusive innovation with gender equity by Kemly Camacho, consultant of the project led by CSUCA.

It should be noted that on the part of the CSUCA-IDRC project, in February 2023, the public call for the presentation of project proposals was enabled, a call in which 73 proposals were received, 16 of which were selected for execution, which will have an execution duration of 22 months, with said designers as the main guests for the development of this meeting.  

It should be noted that the 16 projects to be developed are designed under the following thematic axes:

·         Territoriality, risk and local development,

·         Economic growth, productivity, competitiveness and sustainable development,

·         Digital transformation, automation, artificial intelligence and

·         Data science, and climate change and environmental management.

With the purpose of strengthening the innovation-inclusion nexus in the Central American region, in its two complementary aspects: Innovation for inclusion when the focus is on the results of the process; and inclusive innovation when it refers to a participatory process through which innovation emerges.

Development of the CXXI Ordinary Session of CSUCA

On October 9 and 10, the CXXI ordinary session of the Central American Higher University Council took place, held in a hybrid manner with in-person attendance at the Specialized University of the Americas -UDELAS- in Panama.

The session began with words from Eduardo Flores, Rector of the University of Panama and President of CSUCA, who thanked the members of the council who participated in person, with the opportunity to visit Panama. For his part, Juan Bosco Bernal, Rector of UDELAS, expressed his gratitude for allowing the ordinary session to take place in the facilities of the university he represents, being the first occasion in which they can host.

Carlos Alvarado, Secretary General of CSUCA, thanked all the members of the council who participated in person and virtually. Starting the session with the representation of 30 members, the quorum was validated and the agenda was approved.

After the reading and approval of the minutes of the CXX ordinary session, the report of the CSUCA Presidency was presented, who reported on the opportunity for a new Doctorate at the University of Panama, making it available to the university community of the University. region. Through the presentation of the report of the General Secretariat of CSUCA, a project that has the support of the International Development Research Center of Canada -IDRC- with a duration of 5 years was approved, at the same time, an agreement was reported with the National Interuniversity Council of Argentina (CIN of Argentina), which aims to facilitate access to academic, scientific, technological and cultural services to teachers, graduates, students and technical or administrative staff of CSUCA member universities, as well as as an agreement with the Coordination of the Training of Higher Level Personnel of Brazil (CAPES), with the opportunity for full scholarships for master's and doctoral degrees in Brazil, also reported on the progress in carrying out a project that is being promoted from the General Secretariat with the support of the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) and the International Institute for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) regarding the implementation of the Supplement to the Higher Education Degree, a proposal that was unanimously approved by the honorable Council.

Another important point that was made known during the session was the report on the Central American University Games -JUDUCA- which were held in July at the University of El Salvador, through Jorge Cortez, president of CONREVE. . For his part, Juan Rosa Quintanilla, Administrative Vice Chancellor of the University of El Salvador, announced the progress on the creation of the SICA plaza, which has a physical space at the University of El Salvador, with the representation of a character who represent higher education in each SICA member country, through a bust.

Regarding the representation of the Central American Council for Accreditation of Higher Education -CCA-, after the unfortunate death of Rutilia Calderón, who represented the CSUCA before said body, during the CXXI ordinary session of CSUCA, he has been elected by acclamation Juan Bosco Bernal, Rector of UDELAS, as representative of CSUCA before said Council.

Within the development of said ordinary session, starting on October 10, it was announced that during the year 2024 the Technological University of Panama -UTP- will be the headquarters for the FICCUA Festival; while Juan Bosco Bernal, Rector of UDELAS gave a presentation on the history and advances of said university. Likewise, Juan Carlos Martínez, president of SIREICU, made a proposal for a contest by the Regional University Information and Communication System, which was unanimously approved by the Council.

For her part, Arianna Becerril, executive director of Redalyc, gave a presentation on the advances of open science and publishing as a heritage of humanity, as a prelude to reading the proposed CSUCA declaration on Open Science, which was presented by Jorge Herrera Murillo as former president of SIRCIP, it was later approved unanimously by the Council.

To conclude the ordinary session, the president of the UNACHI student federation, Walter Batista, requested support from the authorities so that the Student Congress could be held, which they have not held for several years.

The XVIII edition of the Rubén Darío Award for Academic Excellence will be held in October in Costa Rica

The activity is organized by the five public universities, as happened in 2020, when the first virtual ceremony was held

As part of the award ceremony, there will be the 50th Ordinary Session of the Regional Student Life Council (CONREVE)

Costa Rica will host the 2023 Rubén Darío Academic Excellence Award ceremony in October, under the organization of the five public universities of the country. This award recognizes at the regional level students who show outstanding academic performance in public higher education institutions.

The 18th edition of the award will be held on October 25 and for this reason, the Student Life Commission (COMVIVE), of the National Council of Rectors (CONARE), finalizes the details to offer students an extraordinary academic and cultural experience, in addition to preparing the 50th Ordinary Session of the Regional Student Life Council (CONREVE).

EI CONREVE is the body of the Central American Higher University Council (CSUCA) that promotes and generates initiatives, programs and projects for the development of the Student Life area of public universities, strengthening the comprehensive training of the student population, social commitment and development. and Central American integration.

This regional body created in 2005 the delivery of the award as a recognition to those distinguished students at an academic level and who excel in the development of scientific, technological and humanistic knowledge in different areas of knowledge. Last year, Panama hosted the award ceremony.

For the organization of the 2023 ceremony, different subcommittees were installed, made up of representatives of the University of Costa Rica (UCR), the Technological of Costa Rica (TEC), the National University (UNA), the State Distance University (UNED ) and the National Technical University (UTN).

Noelia Madrigal Barrantes, UTN Vice Chancellor for Student Life, highlighted the approval that the five higher education institutions receive as hosts of this important regional university event.

?For COMVIVE it is a pride and a pleasure to act as hosts in this event in which we will recognize the effort and commitment of students from all the Universities of Central America and the Caribbean, which are part of the CSUCA, to be able to pursue their university studies from excellence, without a doubt all of them are and will be an example for many other people who are currently studying or even making the decision to start their university studies next year. We hope, in addition to giving them that well-deserved recognition, that they enjoy our country and take home a memory that will positively mark their lives,? said the COMVIVE coordinator.

The last time that Costa Rica organized the delivery of the Rubén Darío was in 2020, when the five public universities assumed the challenge of celebrating the XV award ceremony, for the first time virtually, due to the isolation conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Agenda 2023. During the last week of October, different activities will be carried out aimed at the student population that has the best academic performance of the 24 public universities in the region. The program includes an academic day and a student integration or coexistence activity so that they have the opportunity to strengthen the bonds of friendship and fellowship.

The CONREVE session is scheduled for October 24, where different issues related to student life in Central America will be reviewed and analyzed.

?We are also pleased to be the Headquarters of the Regional Student Life Council, the body in which decisions are made to promote, reinforce and develop student life from all the Universities that are part of this body, all with the firm conviction of brotherhood and Solidarity between Central American and Caribbean universities is a core part of the development of our region,? added Madrigal Barrantes.

If you want more information about these activities, you can follow the social networks of the Rubén Darío Costa Rica Award at Facebook and in Twitter.