Virtual panel ?Experiences and good practices on the management of funds for research in the Universities of Central America and the Caribbean?

Central America June 6, 2023

With the purpose of promoting a space for the exchange of experiences and good practices on the management of funds for research by the CSUCA member Universities, the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua -UNAN Managua- organizes a virtual panel, with the support of the Secretariat General of the Central American Higher University Council -SG CSUCA-.

The activity began with words from the UNAN Managua Vice-Rector General, Luis Alfredo Lobato, who pointed out ?This panel will shed light on the strategies and methodologies to obtain better financing, for the development of research related to the needs of our peoples. ?.

For his part, Francisco González, President of CSUCA and Rector of the National University of Costa Rica -UNA-, mentioned ?The panel will be fruitful in the exchange of ideas, being a space to strengthen the arms and communication channels that we have through the universities of our region?

While the Secretary General of CSUCA, Carlos Alvarado indicated ?When we talk about fund management, our institutions must demonstrate the installed capacity that they have, so that the cooperators can see the work of our universities, providing a broader panorama of the actions What should be done and improved, adapting to the needs that the world demands of us, for the development of our societies from the universities as a whole?

Finally, Jorge Herrera Murillo, President of SIRCIP made reference to ?From the research we are committed to the fact that the products that are generated from our universities are open to the different social actors of our region, we thank the organizing commission of UNAN Managua, who very committedly generated this space to strengthen the development of research from our region?.

The development of the panel consisted of the presentation of the panelists, being Mayte Zembrano from the Technological University of Panama, Jay Molino from the Specialized University of the Americas -UDELAS-, Bernardina Dixon from the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast - URACCAN- and Daniel Samoilovich of the Columbus Association.

To conclude, Francisco Alarcón, Deputy Secretary General of CSUCA made the reflection ?Many of us are convinced that science can make a very large contribution to the well-being of countries, the investment of resources in science being of the utmost importance for our region. ?.