XIX Ordinary Session of SIESCA

On October 27 and 28, the 19th ordinary session of the Higher Education Internationalization System -SIESCA- will take place. Being the body of the Central American University Confederation that promotes the institutionalization of internationalization as a strategic instrument to promote the quality of CSUCA member universities.

To start the session, Roger Arias, Rector of the University of El Salvador, expressed ?It is pleasant and very emotional to receive you at our headquarters, knowing that one of the great limitations that we have as public universities in the region is the budget that the states assigned to our houses of study, being a historical struggle that we live for the achievement that we have at the regional level to be able to fulfill the substantive functions of higher education. There is still a long way to go in terms of internationalization, since we must advance in the construction of undergraduate, postgraduate, master's degrees and joint doctorates, with a curriculum that allows the mobility of our students?

For his part, Carlos Alvarado, Secretary General of CSUCA mentioned ?Internationalization is an important strategy, it helps counteract those challenges that are generated day by day, expanding the visibility and recognition of universities, in support of technology and education. remotely, have they notably favored internationalization through the hybrid and face-to-face combination through open internationalization?

While Maynor Barrientos, President of SIESCA reflected on ?Join conditions and talents, in order to strengthen the ties of collaboration in our countries and project what our universities do to the world. This PIRESC V work light will give us the opportunity to transcend international borders to the entire world and thus be able to solve the great challenges we face in our region?

The development of the ordinary session will lead to the presentation of the report of the Presidency of SIESCA for the period July 2021 to June 2022, as well as group work by strategic objectives of program 5 that indicates "Regionalization and Internationalization of Higher Education Central American? of the Fifth Plan for the Regional Integration of Higher Education in Central America and the Dominican Republic -PIRESC V-, for the review of progress and action plans, formulated based on each strategic objective.

Likewise, the conferences ?The Effects of Covid-19 on the internationalization of higher education? by Dr. Giorgio Marinoni of the International Association of Universities, France and ?The Internationalization of Higher Education, the case of MERCOSUR? by Dr. Andrea Hassen, Vice President for International Relations, Concepción de Uruguay, with the purpose of motivating the members of SIESCA.

Proper space in which the presentation and exchange of good practices for the internationalization of the University will be developed through the experience of the Technological University of Panama -UTP-, Francisco Morazán National Pedagogical University -UPNFM-, National Autonomous University of Honduras - UNAH- and University of Costa Rica -UCR-.