XLVlII Ordinary Session of the Regional Council of Student Life

On October 26, 2022, the XLVIII Ordinary Session of the Regional Council for Student Life -CONREVE- takes place, in hybrid mode, with attendance at the University of Panama.

The Regional Student Life Council -CONREVE-, is the body of the Central American Higher University Council CSUCA, in charge of advising, promoting, strengthening and generating initiatives, programs and projects that promote the development of the Student Life area of the member Universities; contributing to the comprehensive training of professionals who participate with social commitment, in the transformation, development and Central American Integration.

The opening remarks included the participation of Eduardo Flores Castro, Rector of the University of Panama and Vice President of CSUCA, who said ?For us to honor some students from our universities with the academic prizes that are going to be awarded is a pleasure, I am sure that the boys who receive these distinctions do so on behalf of all the students of each house of studies?.

For his part, Erick García González, delegate of the National Council for Student Life of Panama -CONAVE-  indicated ?You are the main object of the university, everything is done around the students, with the creation of CONREVE, the same thought was thought, to go further through various thematic axes such as health, mental health, volunteering, sports and culture . This session is to continue projecting the activities that are aimed at what we at the universities do and that is to watch over you, the students?

Also, Carlos Alvarado Cerezo, Secretary General of CSUCA mentioned ?It is a very propitious opportunity to make some reflections, today public universities are experiencing a new reality, a situation that forces us to develop new skills, new forms and technologies of learning that we are experiencing , the role of the teacher as a guide and the role of the student with a thirst for knowledge?.

While Francisco Gonzáles Alvarado, Rector of the National University of Costa Rica and President of CSUCA reflected, ?The Córdoba movement had the momentum that has since marked a new stage for student life, generating a governance in which the student movement has a main role, therefore, we are also heirs where the student movement has a leading role in university work, how can we improve the general conditions so that students have a safe place to learn, we place the student representation as the engine of the work public universities?

For the development of this ordinary session, the presentation of reports from the Presidency of CONREVE, Deputy Secretary for Student Affairs and the Presidency of the Federation of University Students -FEUCA- will be addressed.

At the same time, the development of the IV Meeting of Health-Promoting Universities, organized by the National Autonomous University of Honduras, which will take place on November 09, 10 and 11 of this year, and the VI Central American and Caribbean Meeting will be presented. of Volunteering, organized by the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo of the Dominican Republic to be carried out in a hybrid way from December 1 to 4 of this year.

Likewise, to publicize the current status of the Rubén Darío Regional Award for Academic Excellence in its XVII Edition, organized by the Public Universities of Panama, which will take place next Friday, October 28. In the same way, presentation of the report of the First Technical Congress of JUDUCA 2023 and proposal of dates for the second Technical Congress of JUDUCA 2023, to be held at the University of El Salvador.

It should be noted that the purpose of the XLVIII Regular Session of CONREVE is to be able to review and follow up on the V Plan for the Regional Integration of Higher Education in Central America and the Dominican Republic (PIRESC V).